Ace Rock and Roll shooter Jackie Roman says:

“Cameron Davidson’s Chesapeake is a book that simultaneously serves as a definitive document on the the Chesapeake Bay Watershed region,  and abstract topographical masterpiece.  Cameron takes us on a tour of the region in a helicopter at 500 feet, and shows us intimate detail in every crevasse, and magic in every reflection.  This book is a treasure.”


Jackie Roman

National Geographic Contract shooter, underwater master and bravest shooter that I know, says:

Flipping through the pages of Chesapeake by Cameron Davidson, is to be aloft, nearly weightless and experiencing a bird’s-eye view of these spectacular landscapes. Davidson,a master of aerial photography, takes the reader into the skies of this diverse region and on a guided tour of one stunning scene after another, from snow covered rivers to meandering rivers to vibrant cities. It is a view of places often seen, but never quite like this.  A true visual treat!

Brian Skerry

Seth Resnick talks about the Chesapeake book

To call Cameron an aerial photographer is an injustice. His work is bold, colorful and always has a strong sense of design. It just so happens that his favorite point of view is from the air which adds awe to his otherwise incredible  work. Above all he also has immense passion and all of this is evident in his project that has finally come to fruition on the Chesapeake Bay. This is definitely a book for the coffee table to view over and over.

Seth Resnick

Eric Meola says

Eric Meola wrote this beautiful quote for the book.  Eric was a huge influence on my photography and his graphic style was my guide for many years.  I am deeply honored that he has written this about the book.

Cameron’s Davidson’s Chesapeake is a monumental book of aerial photography
that pays homage to the largest estuary in the United States.   A watershed area where
fresh waters and ocean meet, and home to countless species of animals and plants,
the Chesapeake Bay is at the center of an area of extraordinary beauty as well as
a potential ground zero for environmental disaster.

Davidson’s photographs soar in their emotional theatricality, as he shows us a garden of eden all too long ignored. These images are a testament to Earth’s beauty first shown us by the astronauts of Apollo 8, and now so hauntingly captured in close-up by a photographer who is a wizard of the medium.


Jamey Stillings on Chesapeake

Through seasoned and sensitive eyes, Cameron Davidson takes us on a visual journey over the watershed of Chesapeake Bay. With images both singular in their individual power and cumulative in their impact, we see a world where nature is strongly impacted and marked by the hand of humankind. Grand vistas take our breath away and give us context. Abstract details compel us to look at things we may not see or understand from our daily gravity-defined perspectives. Davidson’s vision is a gift to us all — one to savor, but also one to serve as a call to action.

Jamey Stillings

Steffen Jahn, German Aviation and Car shooter, on Chesapeake

“Aerial photography never fails to impress me – but if a master like Cameron enters the helicopter with his camera he will take timeless masterpieces that leaves me speechless. I can´t figure out how he is able to compose his meticulously framed images in flight. But every image is a subtly balanced symphony of light, colour and composition. I would love to join Cameron on a flight over the Chesapeake Bay – and the book is the next best thing to it.”

Steffen Jahn